Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Example of Explanation Text

Process of Dharmasraya’s Wedding Party

            In Minangkabau culture, married is one of the important event in ciclus of  life. In Minangkabau term it called “Baralek.” Furthermore, it can  be changing to make a little group of new family. For the man or what we called in Minang term is “Marapulai”, married is process to come in new family, his wife family. Meanwhile for the wife or “Anak Daro,” it becomes one of process for adding new family in their Rumah Gadang. Actually in Minangkabau has some rules about wedding party. In different place has difference rule and culture about it. Now we talk about Dharmasraya regency that has some process about wedding party.
            The first process is “Maminang.” Maminang is process to propose a man that has be done by woman’s family. Together with “Mamak-mamak,” they will come to man’s house to propose him.
            The second process is “Batimbang Tando. It is a process enganged ceremony. At this moment do the changing of sign. After enganging, it will do the discussion about wedding.
            “Malam Bainai” is the next process before wedding. At this moment, the woman’s nail who get married will be given red color on it. It does in “Anak Daro” house.
            Wedding party is the next process. It will be held in the good day depend on society culture that usually do wedding party on Thursday or Friday.
            After wedding party will be held “Basandiang.” In this process both of couple sit on “Pelaminan.” They wear Minangkabau’s traditional clothes. As usual Basandiang is done in Anak Daro house. So all of need will be prepared by woman’s  family.
            The last process is “Manjalang.” This is process visiting to Marapulai house. The man family are waiting for Anak Daro coming.
            In short, those are some process about wedding party in Dharmasraya regency. Actually in Minangkabau area has some process about it. Sometimes there is similar process indeed different process. It is depend on custom in each region.

3 komentar:

  1. buk, kok dalam satu paragraf ada yang kurang dari lima kalimat ? bukannya satu paragraf min lima kalimat ya.... but i liked this essay ^_^

  2. keren keren :D
    the same this wedding proccess with my hometown hehhe
