Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Example of Recount Text

Learning Writing I

            Writing is an activity to expose the ideas in your mind into written form. By means of writing, the aim and the purpose from the idea will be directed. Besides, writing is an amuse activity because if someone who get difficult to produce their ideas in spoken or oral , they can produce their ideas into written form. In addition, writing is one of the four skills in learning languages. In my college, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, The English Department has 3 subjects about writing, such as Writing I, Writing II, Writing III. Learning Writing is necessary for all of English’s collegian includes me. It helps us in making final project as a thesis paper for their graduation. Moreover, I have learned Writing I in second semester. Actually when learning Writing I, I get so many experiences.
            First of all, I met new lecturer. Learning Writing I  was a basic in Writing. And I learned this subject in second grades. It had been taught by ms. Rosi. In the first meeting, I thought ms. Rosi was an anger person but my opinion was really wrong. She was a calm person. In addition, I liked her style that was so simple. Also, she was friendly, for example she kept smile while entering the class. Moreover, she was smart. When she taught us, she could make me understand with that material. Those were, made me like her personality.
            Second, some difficulties in learning Writing I often I met too. Sometimes when there was a new material in Writing I,  I felt doubt and got confusing first. I was thinking about  learning Writing I was a boring subject. It was caused by there was some material that I did not understand about. As a result, it made  me felt bore in learning. On the other hand, Actually, learning Writing I  was an excellent subject. We could write down about everything and anything in our mind, of course with some rules that have we gotten during learning Writing I.
            Third, I felt happy because ms. Rosi knews whom I was. She knew my name. Also, I felt happy when she asked me to write down my story on the white-board. And then, we were correcting together about the story that was on the white-board. She explained the correct answer if there was some mistakes in that story that have we made. In addition, I got good mark on my final test. So, I felt happy to see and know that.
            Thus, learning Writing I is the basic before we learn about the next Writing. Because actually, we learn about Writing I, Writing II, Writing III. And Writing I can be an introduce to the next. Indeed, I get some difficulties. But, those are can be reduced by asking to the lecturer or asking to my friend’s about the difficult subject. Furthermore, there is nothing else that can make I feel more happy besides my lecturer knows whom I am, and I get “A’’  in my Writing I subject.

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