Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Example of Hortatory Text

Wife’s Duty

A wife has a big contribution in the household. However almost all of wives not only do household chores but also responsibility about financial and take care for her children. It demands them to stay at home. In fact some women  who become a wife do not just stay at home but they have an occupation as a career woman. So what the evidence a wife must stay at home?
            Wives do household chores. In this condition a wife duty not limited for cooking in the kitchen. On the other hand a wife know how to make house becomes comfortable. She can arrange and take everything in right position. In the other words a wife has a role to make a home seems neat.
            Managing financial becomes the next duty of wife. In this situation a wife has big responsibility. Why? Because it is very important in household financial. A wife should know about input and output from husband incomes. In addition she has to manage it in order to financial in the household can be balance.
            Besides, wife takes care for children. Certainly a wife has an important role with it. She not only keeps and raises the children but also gives an education for them. A wife is becoming the first teacher for her children since they a baby until they come to school. Despite some knowledge has gotten by a teacher during at school, a wife still has a contribution to give them a moral value and more education, like religious and other.
            Thus a wife has a big role in a household. The number of wives have a job like career woman. Some of them can manage their household but some of them cannot. Hence a wife must stay at home. It will be better for her household.

Example of Explanation Text

Process of Dharmasraya’s Wedding Party

            In Minangkabau culture, married is one of the important event in ciclus of  life. In Minangkabau term it called “Baralek.” Furthermore, it can  be changing to make a little group of new family. For the man or what we called in Minang term is “Marapulai”, married is process to come in new family, his wife family. Meanwhile for the wife or “Anak Daro,” it becomes one of process for adding new family in their Rumah Gadang. Actually in Minangkabau has some rules about wedding party. In different place has difference rule and culture about it. Now we talk about Dharmasraya regency that has some process about wedding party.
            The first process is “Maminang.” Maminang is process to propose a man that has be done by woman’s family. Together with “Mamak-mamak,” they will come to man’s house to propose him.
            The second process is “Batimbang Tando. It is a process enganged ceremony. At this moment do the changing of sign. After enganging, it will do the discussion about wedding.
            “Malam Bainai” is the next process before wedding. At this moment, the woman’s nail who get married will be given red color on it. It does in “Anak Daro” house.
            Wedding party is the next process. It will be held in the good day depend on society culture that usually do wedding party on Thursday or Friday.
            After wedding party will be held “Basandiang.” In this process both of couple sit on “Pelaminan.” They wear Minangkabau’s traditional clothes. As usual Basandiang is done in Anak Daro house. So all of need will be prepared by woman’s  family.
            The last process is “Manjalang.” This is process visiting to Marapulai house. The man family are waiting for Anak Daro coming.
            In short, those are some process about wedding party in Dharmasraya regency. Actually in Minangkabau area has some process about it. Sometimes there is similar process indeed different process. It is depend on custom in each region.

Example of Narrative Text

Inspirated from a movie with entitle House of Wax

Wax’s Statue

House of Wax was a movie production from Columbia Picture that consisted of seven main actors. This movie showed there were so many statue of wax inside a big house. Actually those were made from human by killing them. This movie had inspirated me for making a narrative story with entitle Wax’s Statue.
There was four young man were visiting to museum. They were John, William, Jennifer, and Smith. The museum that they visited was Wax’s Statue museum. It was a biggest museum in United State America.  It was located in the suburb of New Jersey. Nevertheless this museum had been closed for public because some reasons. Yet the four young man still visited the musum even they knew about that.
They arrived in the museum. But they found the museum was locked. Suddenly one of them saw a broken window. After that they decided to enter by it. Inside of the  museum they felt surprise. It was amazing. There were so many statue of wax. Not long afterwards came an old man. They were surprised by an old man that claimed he was a wax’s statue maker. He told them about the museum and asked them to look around the museum. Without suspicious they followed that old man and listened what he talking about.
Suddenly Smith wanted to go to toilet. He asked the old man to take him to the toilet. Then the old man did. Meanwhile John, Jennifer, and William continued for looking around the museum. Inside the toilet Smith heard the voice that asking for helped. He tried to find the voice source. Un-trust-able, the voice come from a woman wax’s statue. It eyes moved. Also it cried for helping.
Knowing that, Smith called his friends and brought them to the statue place. They tried to release the wax from the statue’s body. After the wax was released, they surprised to know it was a woman. Her condition was very bad. Her skin and hair were broken because of wax. She told them what happened the matter.
As a result they broke the secret of that museum. They caught the old man and brought him to the jail. Since that day the museum was opened for public back. Smith and his friends felt proud with all because of them successful for breaking the secret.


Example of Descriptive


            Dharmasraya, the name of this regency is taken from “Padang Roco” ancient inscription. Dharmasraya regency is one of three new regencies from Sawahlunto/Sijunjung regency. Previously, this regency is made by the law number 38, 2003 that concern about the development of Dharmasraya Regency, Solok Selatan Regency, and Pasaman Barat Regency in West Sumatera Province. Dharmasraya is became official on January 7th, 2004. This regency has so many characteristics.
            First of all we talk the characteristic about geography from Dharmasraya Regency. It is located at the end of South-East West Sumatera. It has variety of topography like hilly, wavy, and flat. And also variety of height about 100m until 1.500m from the sea. The temperature in this regency about 21°C until 33°C with the days of rain 14 days each month and the rainfall averages is 265,36 mm each month.
Dharmasraya Regency is a big of agricultural producer. For instance, This regency becomes producer of oil palm. Besides, it is also as a variety  of hard plants producer like cinnamon, rubber, coconut, gambier, coffee, chocolate, clove, and areca nut. However, the agricultural land is dominate by rubber and oil palm. The big producer of oil palm in this regency is Sungai Rumbai subdistrict.
Padang Roco” is becoming the popular tourism spot. It is located at the Jorong Sungai Lansek, Sitiung subdistrict. This temple has 3 buildings. The first building’s size about
21m x 21m and the middle of it about 3m. This building has ladder in fourth side. In addition it has given fence. Furthermore the second temple is a square with size about 2m x 2m. The third temple is collapse from the second temple. Moreover some residents often come to this place when vacation.
            As a result, Dharmasraya is one of new regency in West Sumatera. Indeed this new regency if weseeabout the background is formed by separating from Sijunjung regency. Yet this regency has some features that make it difference from other. I love my hometown. It place in which I was born and grew up.

Example of Recount Text

Learning Writing I

            Writing is an activity to expose the ideas in your mind into written form. By means of writing, the aim and the purpose from the idea will be directed. Besides, writing is an amuse activity because if someone who get difficult to produce their ideas in spoken or oral , they can produce their ideas into written form. In addition, writing is one of the four skills in learning languages. In my college, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, The English Department has 3 subjects about writing, such as Writing I, Writing II, Writing III. Learning Writing is necessary for all of English’s collegian includes me. It helps us in making final project as a thesis paper for their graduation. Moreover, I have learned Writing I in second semester. Actually when learning Writing I, I get so many experiences.
            First of all, I met new lecturer. Learning Writing I  was a basic in Writing. And I learned this subject in second grades. It had been taught by ms. Rosi. In the first meeting, I thought ms. Rosi was an anger person but my opinion was really wrong. She was a calm person. In addition, I liked her style that was so simple. Also, she was friendly, for example she kept smile while entering the class. Moreover, she was smart. When she taught us, she could make me understand with that material. Those were, made me like her personality.
            Second, some difficulties in learning Writing I often I met too. Sometimes when there was a new material in Writing I,  I felt doubt and got confusing first. I was thinking about  learning Writing I was a boring subject. It was caused by there was some material that I did not understand about. As a result, it made  me felt bore in learning. On the other hand, Actually, learning Writing I  was an excellent subject. We could write down about everything and anything in our mind, of course with some rules that have we gotten during learning Writing I.
            Third, I felt happy because ms. Rosi knews whom I was. She knew my name. Also, I felt happy when she asked me to write down my story on the white-board. And then, we were correcting together about the story that was on the white-board. She explained the correct answer if there was some mistakes in that story that have we made. In addition, I got good mark on my final test. So, I felt happy to see and know that.
            Thus, learning Writing I is the basic before we learn about the next Writing. Because actually, we learn about Writing I, Writing II, Writing III. And Writing I can be an introduce to the next. Indeed, I get some difficulties. But, those are can be reduced by asking to the lecturer or asking to my friend’s about the difficult subject. Furthermore, there is nothing else that can make I feel more happy besides my lecturer knows whom I am, and I get “A’’  in my Writing I subject.